Amazing Gracie – Part 11 of 11

17 Apr

Grace’s heart was as big a God’s. She was full of Him. Including His humor, joy, giving, loving and inexhaustible energy and strength.

Grace was everything to everyone. She played baseball with the nuns at the convent during picnics, she took in a baby left on her doorstep, she would open her home and heart to whomever the Lord sent her. What a friend to have in life. Just like Jesus.

An investigative journalist, Elizabeth Fuller, an unbeliever, would write her life story called -“The Touch of Grace”

We were the most blessed as we attended every service we could, prayed for her and knew her as Jesus’ personal friend.

Amazing Gracie! People’s lives were changed forever. We personally witnessed countless emotional and physical miracles and healings. Her ministry grew to the thousands of people. The Lord touched them all through her and we learned so much just being in that presence. If the Lord had a vessel that would be willing and obedient, Grace was and still is. She remains a  tireless, on-fire example of God’s love and power.  Her story is unending.

What a privilege it was to observe the Lord and our friend for the next thirteen years. We became blessed as we cut our spiritual teeth with her learning about the Holy Spirit, His ways and the Word of God. It caused us to dig deeper into the Bible searching for more answers.  As we did, we only became hungrier for more.

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